Have you ever been caught doing something wrong? You know that feeling of complete horror and shame you get? It's so embarrassing getting caught!
Here's a little story...
There once was a girl name Rose, and she was very beautiful. Her dad left her and her mom when she was 5 years old, so she never had a strong, reliable man in her life. Throughout high school she had fooled around with different guys but was never in a real relationship. She went to church every week and tried to be a good person, but she never really felt like she fit in there. Wednesday afternoon Josh, a guy from school, asked her to come over instead of going to church that night. She had messed around with Josh before so she just assumed that's what he had in mind. She knew she should go to church because that's what her mom wanted, but it was always so awkward there. Every time she walked into that building she felt everyone staring at her and she could swear she saw them whispering about her. I mean, she wasn't perfect, but who were they to judge her? None of them were perfect either. After arguing with herself for a few minutes, she agreed to go to Josh's house that night.
She had only been at Josh's house for 30 minutes and things were just getting started when suddenly someone slammed open Josh's door. To Rose's horror it was her pastor! He was in a rage--he demanded that she get dressed and follow him. Filled with shame and indignation she grabbed her clothes and left the house. How did he know she was there? And what was he going to do? Was he going to tell her mom? What would her mom say? Was he going to tell everyone at church? Oh no, that would be even worse than her mom finding out!
Once outside, he practically dragged Rose out into the street in front of Josh's house and she sees a group of people. Some other church leaders, some kids from school--what was this? They were all gathered around a man, who Rose recognized as Jesus, the one who claimed to be the Son of God.
"Jesus!" cried the pastor, still gripping Rose's arm. "I caught this girl in the act of sexual sin! How should we punish her?" He roughly threw her at the feet of Jesus.
Rose's mind was racing. What were they going to do to her? Beat her? She looked around the circle, her eyes desperate to find a way out. This Jesus would probably be the one to initiate any sort of punishment, he was supposedly perfect. How did this happen? She was completely surrounded! She could hear her pulse pounding in her ears, da-dum, da-dum, da-dum...
She closed her eyes, waiting to hear the verdict.
Jesus looked at each face in the crowd and said this, "Whoever is without sin, you can decide how we should punish her." Everyone was silent. Rose began to here the shuffling of feet and looked up to see the crowd slowly dispersing. It was then she felt the tears streaming down her face. Shocked and confused she looked up at Jesus. To her surprise there was love and compassion in his eyes.
"Where are your accusers now? Has anyone condemned you?" He said with a gentle smile on His face.
"No, they haven't, they're gone," Rose said in awe.
"That's right," he said, "and neither do I condemn you. Now go, and sin no more."
Now, you tell me, how does the story end? Does Rose ride off into the sunset and live a perfect life? Or does she go right back to her old ways? You decide.
Jesus has given every one of us that choice. He has looked at each of us and said, "Grace, my child. Don't feel guilty, I have forgiven you. Now go, live your life differently. Don't make the same mistakes." It's up to us to decide how we're going to respond. Are we going to take advantage of his grace and keep on making the same exact mistakes? Or will we make a change and continually ask God for strength to do what's right?
If you want to be that person that "goes and sins no more" then there's some things you absolutely have to do. First, you need to take a hard look at your life and the areas that you struggle with the most and surrender those things to the Lord. Second, you need to identify the people that are encouraging you to sin, or even just allowing you to sin and not challenging you to make better choices. You need to put some distance between yourself and those people. Third, you need to have something to fill the void. If you're cutting things, habits, places, people out of your life, you have to replace them with something. Find a new hobby, make new friends, find a church to get involved in, listen to more uplifting music, go back to school, join a smallgroup. Find something to occupy your mind and time, or you will more than likely fall right back into your old life. Fourth, you have to remember that you are not perfect. Just because you're following all the right steps and praying and reading your Bible, that doesn't mean you're never going to sin again. That's why we're saved by grace, not by our works.
Be encouraged, friends. Jesus doesn't look down on you and judge. His desire is that you would love him more than you love your sin and live your life accordingly. Lay down your pride, admit that you need a Savior, and fall into the loving arms of Jesus. He's waiting.
Chelsea Rae