I'm forewarning you all that this post is very honest and may be a little offensive to some. I may not be 100% theologically correct in this particular post, but keep in mind these are my thoughts and ideas. They change all the time. Bear with me.
So, I think everyone just needs to start being more honest with themselves. God does not expect us to know all the answers. I'm tired of people trying to give the impression of perfection. It takes SO much effort to seem like you have it all together!
It's okay to say, "I don't know." Sometimes, that is an acceptable answer. For example, people talk about marriage equality a lot. "Do you support same sex marriage?" It's okay to say, "I don't know." You don't always need to have an opinion or a point of view. If you can't explain why you do or don't believe something, then don't take a side! Just be open minded, research the topic, and form your opinion as you live your life.
Some Christians try to preach black and white. There are no "gray areas" so to speak. I disagree. I think there are plenty of gray areas and we each have to use our best judgement to determine what we believe.
I stumbled upon this amazing website, deeperstory.com, and I encourage you to check it out.
As a person, whether you are Christian, Buddhist, Mormon, Atheist, etc--I challenge you to question your belief system. Play the devil's advocate. Why do you believe what you believe? When did you first believe it to be true? Ask questions, do some research. Dare to dissect your belief system down to its very core. That takes guts.
If we're talking honestly, which we are, I will admit that I have disdained the organized Christian church for some time. Not necessarily one specific church or sect of Christianity, just the way we do church these days. I want more. I feel that modern day church doesn't line up with what Jesus preached during his lifetime. I understand that Jesus commanded us meet and fellowship with each other regularly, but I don't see why going to church every week is the way we're supposed to do that.
I have so much more on my mind, but I'm getting sleepy. I will write more soon. Thanks for reading. =)
Chelsea Rae