Monday, September 20, 2010

Here's the four one one

Well here's some updates in the life of me...

I am currently sitting at Clancy's Coffee in Tacoma across the street from UW Tacoma, (you should stop by sometime, we have fantastic coffee, food, and free internet), (oh, and plus, I work with the nicest people in the world!), and I just noticed that I haven't blogged in a month! That is far too long. I apologize. I guess it's just because I have been dealing with a whole lot this summer and I haven't had the motivation to blog about anything encouraging. It's hard to be encouraging when you're discouraged.

But anyway, enough of that sad talk. Life is good! God has chosen me to do significant things for him, I am sure of it. The past few weeks I have been reengaging in UG and that's been very refreshing. For a while serving felt like a burden, and that's another reason why I pulled back. I don't want to ever treat someone like they're a task for me to accomplish. I like having a passion inside me to help others. I like feeling excited to be at church, I like feeling like it's a privilege to be there. Because it is a privilege. I don't know when I lost that realization, but I pray that I don't forget again.

So right now I am working and trying to save money. I don't really know what I'm saving for, but I know that I need to. I might go on a long-short term mission trip sometime in the next year. I'd go for 6 months to a year, but we'll see. I have decided to write a book. I will probably be taking excerpts from my blog, actually, which is cool for all of you who read it. It's like a little sneak peak. I feel like a lot of our lives is spent waiting to be ready for things. I don't feel old enough, wise enough, knowledgeable enough, or competent enough to write a book, but I have a lot to say and a lot of free time on my hands. Now is a good time to try new things. I think I'm also going to teach a college age small group about spiritual warfare and spiritual gifts, and I'm stoked about that.

Well that's the update for now. Thanks for reading. =)

Chelsea Rae

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