Story of the Day: Half-time and Hopping Fences
Characters: (in order of appearance)
- Myself
- Kailyn Cook
- Mean ticket lady
- My parents
- 45 year old man with no sense of personal space
- Inner fat kid
Sumner Stadium, around 8:15 pm, drizzly.
I have a very good friend whose name is Kailyn. Now, a little bit about Kailyn is that she is never one to disappoint. She repeatedly says and does things that surprise me, all the while remaining true to herself. Because if you're always doing the unexpected then that becomes part of who are, right? She is hilarious, and beautiful, and has incredible character. I keep telling her to start a blog because I want everyone to be able to take part in all the wisdom God has blessed her with!
To start this story off let's talk about the weather. It's a drizzly (you know, that typical Washington weather where it's not quite raining but it's enough to make your hair frizzy) Saturday night, and we decide to go to Sunset Stadium in Sumner to watch the Cascade Christian Cougars play football. We get there right after half time and we decide to use that to our advantage - we go up to the ticket counter fully prepared to get in for free. (Plus, I'm alumni, shouldn't that count for something?) Anyway, even with all my skills at persuasion (some would call it manipulation, but it's not my fault people are easily swayed) the ticket lady made us both pay full price! Seriously disappointing. My mom said she saved us two seats but when we went to sit down we were so squished we couldn't even turn around to talk to the people behind us. (I know, I know, I'm at a football game, I should watch the game instead of talk!) Being a little selfish, I let Kailyn sit next to the 45 year old man who didn't mind having an up-close and personal conversation and who must not have known the meaning of personal space. Naturally, we were also sitting in the middle of the row at the very top of the stands. To get in and out we had to inconvenience about 10 people and make them stand up, all the while missing the precious moments of the their freshman son getting his thirty seconds of fame on the field for the first (and probably the last) time all year!
You know when you go to a sporting event to watch a specific person, and then they aren't even in the game? Well, I'll bet you can imagine what happens next! My brother couldn't play because of his ankle. And go figure, he played in the first two quarters when I wasn't there. Awesome. It's definitely time to bounce. Kailyn and I prepare ourselves for the onslaught of glares and grumbles we're about to receive and stand up to leave. To avoid the mean ticket lady we decide to go around back of the stadium. As we approach the gate we realize it's locked. Our feet are squishy, our pants are soaked up to our knees, and now we have to walk all the back and around! Gah! My car was so close and yet so far...
I size up the fence and say casually, "You know, we could always hop the fence." I laugh a little, knowing that's just the little fat kid inside of me (you know you have one) that doesn't want to walk back. I turn around and Kailyn has already shimmied to the top of the fence! So I follow her example and climb over. She stops at the top (you know that's the worst place to stop because all the metal is jabbing you!), and she groans, "I think I pulled a muscle!" She makes her way down and we walk/hobble to our cars, successfully eliminating the mean ticket lady and an extra 100 yards of walking.
Se acaba. El fin.
Chelsea Rae
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