Wednesday, July 21, 2010


It looks really lame only having one post on my new blog. I was scrolling through some other people's blogs and not everyone writes about profound things. They just chat about life. But honestly...who wants to read about someone else's life? Doesn't really make sense to me. Why would you publish personal things about your life online? Does that seem a little sketch to anyone else? I guess it's no different than facebook, really. But I guess I am going to follow the trend...

I have this problem where I talk too much. It's rare to find someone who's a good listener but also talks a crap-ton, but that's me. I'm hoping that by doing this blog I will get out some of my talking-energy and people won't have to listen to me as much. One downfall of having a blog is that you can't really express your frustrations or talk about your "love" interests. I mean, you could, but that would be akin to opening Pandora's box. Don't want to do that now, do we? Not that I get mad all that frequently, but if I am, I wouldn't want to say it online where everyone can read it. Is that overly-cautious of me?

I just decided in my head that I am not going to write these blogs like I'm writing them for other people. This blog is for me, so if I want to just jabber on about nothing in particular then I will! If you don't want to read it, don't. Sound good to anyone else? Good.

You know what I get frustrated with in life? I get frustrated with myself. You know when you tell yourself you're not going to do something again, and then you do? Or when you say you want to pull away from someone in your life because they're not good for you, but you keep going back to them time after time? Why do we do that? Why do we return to things that are unhealthy? It's like we know what we're doing is harmful to ourselves, but we put ourselves in that position over and over. Then when we come to our senses we kick ourselves for repeating our mistakes. Why do we repeat our mistakes so frequently?

Chelsea Rae

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