Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Women, listen up. This is about you and love.

Let's talk about feminism. Let's talk about girls pursuing guys. Now there's something I am passionate about.


Now the world tells us that's normal and fine. But the Bible tells us that the man's role is to be the leader. He should be the initiator. The guy is the one who should have to chase you down to have you! Ladies...why are we lowering our standards?

I am here to tell all the women in this world that no matter what you've done YOU DESERVE PRINCE CHARMING. There really is a prince charming out there for every girl. I know I sound idealistic, but it's true! Our problem is either we think we don't deserve better than the jerk we're with or we're not pretty enough, skinny enough, fun enough, outgoing enough (or some other lie from the devil) to get someone better. Neither of those are true. It says in His Word that He makes all things new. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, "This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!" (NLT) And the psalms talk about how His mercies are new every morning. In Romans it talks about how we are no longer bound by the old law. We don't have to be perfect anymore. We are saved by grace. That's why we all "deserve" prince charming, because we aren't judged by the bad things we've done if we believe Christ is our Savior! We don't have to feel ashamed or not good enough for a great guy.

There are so many Christian girls who have given away pieces of their hearts and sexual purity prematurely. Can I just tell you IT'S OKAY. Of course, it was wrong. Of course, you should avoid that and strive for sexual purity. But just because you went too far (which is a very broad term...what exactly is "too far"?) or you had sex, that doesn't mean you have to keep doing it. That doesn't mean you have to settle for a guy who wants to have sex before marriage. You are still allowed to have high standards even if you messed up. Don't let guilt overwhelm you and trick you into believing you only deserve someone who has done what you have done. That is not what God wants for you.

God has forgiven you; shouldn't you forgive yourself?

I am tired of seeing women strive for attention from men to fill that void in them. Most of us don't stop long enough to even realize why we do what we do. We keep busy so we can avoid facing the truth. We fill our lives with stuff. We shop. We eat. We cry. We pick up new hobbies. All to avoid the ugly truth. WE'RE BROKEN. We're hurting and sad and we feel rejection every day in some way or another. We would rather ignore the pain and unfulfillment than deal with it.

I say it's time we take a stand. I say it's time we stop living in our insecurity and conquer it. Whatever you fear has control over you. If you fear other's opinions, they will have control over what you do, how you dress. If you fear rejection, you will never take risks in friendships and relationships. If you fear intimacy and genuine love, you will never open up to someone. You will run away once you start to care too much.

Here's my challenge to you: What small step are you going to take today to conquer your insecurity?

It doesn't have to be something big and daunting. You don't even have to tell anyone or admit that you're insecure. But honestly, if we are all being completely real here, you know there is something you're insecure about. Even if it's just something small. DON'T LET YOUR FEAR CONTROL YOU. I believe in you, dear. When you feel like no one else believes you can conquer your fears, just remember me and this blog.

Chelsea Rae

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